45th Anniversary Story Submission Form

We would love to know how a layperson at Brookside has blessed you in a remarkable way. It could be a Sunday School teacher, small group leader, or even the person who sits next to you in your pew! Just let us know who they are and how they’ve blessed you. We’ll share the story at our 45th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, December 9, 2018!

Stories are due by Sunday, November 25.


We would love to know how a layperson at Brookside has blessed you in a remarkable way. It could be a Sunday School teacher, small group leader, or even the person who sits next to you in your pew! Just let us know who they are and how they’ve blessed you. We’ll share the story at our 45th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, December 9, 2018!

Stories are due by Sunday, November 25.